
The U.S. Constitution requires that every ten years a census be taken (actually the word “enumeration” is used) to determine the populations of the various states and that the results shall be used to apportion the number of Congresspersons allocated to each state. As the population shifts, states may gain or lose the number of representatives they are allowed. Consider the following chart, compiled from U.S. Census data. The dark orange states are those that lost two or more seats from the previous census period. Light orange is loss of one seat. The light blue is no change, medium blue is a gain of one seat, and dark blue, two or more. For a clearer version, click on the image.

It is obvious that the Northeast and Midwest in general have been losing representatives, and thus influence, in recent decades. This appears to be continuing. The West gained greatly in 1980 – 2000, but that trend seems to be slowing. Texas and Florida have been steadily and rapidly gaining. Next year there will be another census taken. It should be very important in determining the balance of political power in the future. This is not only because of the number of congresspersons changing from some states to others, but because that number is also the basis for the Electoral College. In other words, it can also influence the presidential elections in 2024 and 2028. One question that comes up in the news is whether people need to be U.S. citizens or eligible to vote to be counted. The answer is no. It’s based on sheer numbers, including children and non-citizens residing in each state.

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