The next in my series of obvious conclusions is that movie critics like arty movies better than the general viewing public does. Take a look at the chart to confirm this if you feel a need. So what are “arty” movies? Again, very subjective on my part. Arty mostly refers to the art of movie-making, although I think there are a few movies where the subject matter of the movie is art or artists. I marked as arty any movie that seemed to use non-traditional (or formerly traditional but long out-of-favor) techniques (e.g. silent film, stop-motion, filming over 12 years or with 12 different directors), and movies that critics rather uniformly described as exceptionally artistically done. Since there aren’t too many, I’ll post the entire list at the end. Feel free to disagree with my label; it’s my blog so there’s nothing you can do about it. You can, however, contact me through the contact form on the “About the Author/Contact” link in the top menu. I’m obscure enough that I don’t hear much from readers, and I enjoy exchanging emails with those who do contact me. I allow comments on this blog.
I’ve marked a few outliers on the chart. For what it’s worth I liked Departures, My Left Foot, and All Is Lost. I didn’t like O Brother, Where Art Thou? I haven’t seen any of the other labeled ones. This will be the last movie analysis post for awhile, but I plan to keep adding movies and resume the analysis in future posts. There are still some surprises in store.
Here’s the list of “arty” movies:
My Left Foot
The Broken Circle Breakdown
The Commitments
Kon Tiki
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
The Artist
Force Majeure
All Is Lost
Midnight in Paris
The Spanish Prisoner
Life of Pi
The Tree of Life
Get On Up
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
The Zero Theorem
My Winnipeg
Song of the Sea
The Color of Time