Where Cliff Knowles fans are located

Click on map to see full screen version. Colored countries show sales of Cliff Knowles mysteries.

This map shows all the countries where I can verify that Cliff Knowles Mysteries have been sold or downloaded. There are probably several others, but I do not get country-specific reports from Amazon for most countries. This chart was constructed partly from Amazon sales reports but also from personal emails, Facebook or other forum comments from readers, and so on. I have not been tracking this over the years, so I may have missed some. I’m pretty sure I heard from someone in Mexico who bought it, but I couldn’t find that email if there was one.

The individual colors have no particular significance other than to distinguish a country from its neighbors. If your country is not on the map and you want to get it there, you can fill in the comment form below, or (faster) use the contact form on the About the Author/Contact page (see top menu) and be sure to tell me what country you’re in. Of course, you can also buy the book. In general Amazon only reports book sales by country where they have established a specific domain for sales there. Many countries buy from Amazon.com (i.e. the U.S. domain) or the domain of a neighboring country. Sweden and Norway, for example do not show up in my sales reports, but I know several readers there downloaded some of my books from the UK or US sites based on email contacts. It’s gratifying to see that every continent except Antarctica is represented.

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