It’s that time again for some newsworthy W3W word combos.
I searched Pacific Palisades for appropriate combinations and the most interesting one in the burned area I found was, appropriate for the fire retardant aircraft, but sad because it is near a parish school that was destroyed. The nearby church was damaged, but not destroyed. Close by in Topanga Canyon, in the evacuation zone, was blaze.erase.gone. A few miles farther I found and burns.entire.cities. Those last two are in Los Angeles, near to but outside the fire zone. Ironically, that last one is right between the Chatsworth Fireside and BBQ store and Flame Enterprises.
Moving on to an even sadder event, let’s look at Trump’s upcoming inauguration. Due to the fact Trump was afraid his outdoor crowd size would be markedly smaller than Obama’s in similar weather conditions, he has moved it inside to the Capital One Arena. While I didn’t find a killer combo, that place is large and I found several spots inside it that at least hint at the uncomfortable truth to come. Here’s a list. I’m too lazy to posts the links, but they all go to the Arena. You know how to work W3W if you want to check.
For Melania:
- (The R must have been dropped)
- dame.belong.posed
For the rich oligarchs (how they see themselves)
- dollar.people.noble
- cost.twice.booth
- status.above.empire
For his MAGA cult members generally
- sheep.walks.crew
- palm.fills.arena
And for our POTUS-to-be:
- entry.stage.badly
- loving.fats.thanks
- trial.myself.blame (if only)
- robe.season.wasp