The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I departed from my usual steady fare of detective stories to enjoy a delightful story of an autistic genetics professor who sets out to find a wife using a lengthy questionnaire of acceptable traits. Everything is either correct or incorrect. While working on his Wife Project, he gets sidetracked helping a young woman, the eponymous Rosie, in her quest to find out who her real father is. Rosie, of course, as a drinking, smoking, brilliantly-dyed redhead, is totally unsuitable as a mate. And if you can’t predict how this one ends, you’re somewhere “on the spectrum” yourself. Still, it’s all good fun. The setting is Australia and I recommend the audiobook version. The reader is excellent, with a charming Aussie accent. This has been a best-seller for weeks, and this time it’s with good reason.