Scott Adams’s favorite tweets

Scott Adams, author of the Dilbert cartoons and a popular blog, recently shared a list of his tweets that were the most popular. Here’s a partial list:

I wish I were dumber so I could be more certain about my opinions. It looks fun. (41)

I would hate to live in a world that rewards ignorance. What? Uh-oh. (with photo of graph of book sales)(26)

Outragists are the new awful: (link to my blog article) (29)

While no one was paying attention, weather reports became accurate and the news became fiction. Did not see that coming. (26)

I knew a guy with passion to be a pro golfer and the brain to be a great accountant. He followed his passion. He’s homeless now. (25)

If you can’t construct a coherent argument for the other side, you probably don’t understand your own opinion. (23)

Outragism: The act of generating outrage by quoting famous people out of context. #outragism (23)

Dear calendar makers: Put the weekEND at the END of the row. Sunday is not the start of the week.(with photo of revised calendar layout)  #Google #Apple (20)

Guys: If you ask a woman on a date and she says “possibly,” act optimistic and immediately make other plans. #datingadvice (16)

Salesman: These mattresses are hand-made! Me: Can you show me the good ones made by robots? #robots (16)

World’s shortest IQ test: “What percentage of your reality do you understand?” Grading: The higher the percentage the lower the IQ. (18)

My blog post about science’s biggest failure is melting the servers with traffic. Hits a nerve. (Link to article) (18)

Best skill combination ever: web graphic design and web analytics. Learn those things and own the world. (16)

Fancy hotel has personalized products in bath. Not the first time I have seen my name and “douche” on same page. (photo of gel douche) (14)

My most popular tweets are the ones that insult dumb people. Everyone is confident I am talking about other people who have it coming. (12)

Here’s the link to his blog:

Maybe you should be following him instead of me. Or both of us.