I just got back from the Saint George, Utah area where I attended the 2nd International EarthCache Event (2IEE). I arrived two days early in order to spend some quality time with an old FBI buddy who lives nearby. There are few things finer in life than riding a good trail horse through the Kolob Canyons area in perfect weather swapping stories of old times with a friend. I’d ridden Molly, a sweet, gentle mare, before, and she was as good to me as ever. The vistas, whether from atop Molly or sitting on Jim and Judy’s deck, beer in hand, at sunset are breathtaking.
The area is just west of Zion National Park. Its interesting geology makes it an excellent choice for an EarthCache event. The event was sponsored by Geological Society of America (GSA) and blended geocaching with the study and appreciation of geology. The GeoAware team at GSA kindly gave me some space on the vendor table to sell copies of my book Cached Out. The geocachers in attendance were generous in their enthusiasm for the book. Thank you to all the purchasers, and I hope you enjoy it. This was the first time I’ve traveled to a distant location for a book signing event, but it was certainly worth it.