My Netflix DVD queue is down to only one DVD. The “Saved” list is about a dozen, but those are not available yet. If you have any suggestions for me, please put them in the reply form below. Here’s a list of what my wife and I have seen recently, so you can skip those. Some we’ve liked, some not, but I’m not going to bother to review them all. Some were pretty bad, actually, so don’t take these all as recommendations. The ones we liked the most were Brooklyn, 10 Cloverfield Lane, and Spotlight. Suggestions for streaming are also welcome, as are movies you saw in theaters that are not yet available on DVD.
The Finest Hours
10 Cloverfield Lane
The Sting
Howard’s End
Hello, My Name is Doris
Shakespeare in Love
In the movie theatres, I recently saw The BFG – it was so well done and a worthwhile grin.
My most recent rental was Lady In The Van – also very well done and a bittersweet grin.
For fun recommendations, I always like to watch whatever is currently playing at the Stanford Theatre: their current program is Lady for A Day and Mr. Smith Goes To Washington…you can see their full program here:
Thanks, GeoGrins. I’ll check these out. I apologize for taking so long to respond. I keep forgetting to check for comments and approve them. I used to get so many spam comments I started requiring pre-approval for them to appear.
Suggested older movies for your entertainment:
Scorched – Alicia Sikverstone, Woody Harrrelson, John Cleese (Good comedy)
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels – Steve Martin, John Cleese
Get Shorty – John Travolta, Gene Hackman, Rene Russo, Danny DeVito
Dave – Segorney Weaver, Kevin Kline
Fish Called Wanda – Kevin Kline, John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis
Drowning Mona – Danny DeVito, Jamie Lee Curtis
I’m checking these out, too. Thanks Jeff. I’ve already added a couple to my queue, but I’ve seen some of the others.
One of my favorite mad-cap comedies, that is not so well known, is “Miracle at Morgan’s Creek” with Eddie Bracken and Betty Hutton (1944).