Earth Abides by George R. Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This classic work of post-apocalyptic science fiction sets the standard by which all future PASF should be judged. It was written in the 1940s and exhibits an almost comical yet refreshing look into the recent past as well as an equally prescient one into the future. My, how things have changed. If your idea of good sci-fi is a space opera with lots of shooting, this isn’t it. Star Wars fans need not apply.
Earth Abides is thoughtful, thought-provoking, literary, and unpredictable. It is in many ways disturbing, yet also hopeful. The author was a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, a true scholar and polymath. If you have an IQ below 125 and less than a college degree you are probably going to have trouble in places, for he can be pretentious and pedantic in his writing at times. It tested my vocabulary. Still, the story isn’t hard to follow and the characters are engaging and original. I really enjoyed this book.
A good friend recommended this book to me and I recommend it to you.