Ratagrams revisited

Last fall I proposed a new type of word game I called Ratagrams, a particular type of anagram. The rules are here. Here are some more, ones I hope are more challenging.

  1. Hereafter, out room, whore!
  2. Staffed peg convicts Viennese poets’ theater
  3. Haven seize finer festivity

Two of the three contain proper nouns (names). Good luck.

Edit to clarify: per Rule 5, the original punctuation has been removed, so the punctuation shown may be misleading. I’ve modified Rule 4 to allow proper names this time because at least one popular anagram site is so comprehensive (over 15 million phrases and quotes) that I’ve had a hard time finding ones that cannot be solved by pasting in there. Numbers 1 and 3 are the ones with names in them. Here’s an additional hint: The last one is a product slogan and the second one became a well-known quote only this year.

P.S. Please don’t post answers here or on social media, but do feel free to let me know if you’ve solved them. If I don’t get any solutions in three weeks, I’ll post the answers.

Edit 6/26/17: I have not had any valid solutions submitted, so I have put the answers in the comments. Scroll down to see them.

One thought on “Ratagrams revisited

  1. Russ Post author

    #1. Wherefore art thou Romeo?
    #2. Despite the constant negative press covfefe
    #3. Heinz Fifty-Seven Varieties


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